Our Services
Paediatric Neuropsychology is a specialist area of Clinical Neuropsychology that is dedicated to understanding the development of a child’s brain and how this relates to their thinking skills, emotions and behaviour. A neuropsychological assessment is a detailed and comprehensive process that will provide you with a profile of your child’s strengths and weaknesses, factors that are contributing your presenting concerns (i.e., why you are seeking assessment), and a diagnostic answer (where appropriate). As part of this process, we can assess a variety of skills, including:
Clinical Neuropsychologists differ from Clinical Psychologists
Our assessment process is tailored according to your presenting concerns, specific questions from your referrer (e.g., paediatrician), and your child’s age/developmental level. The assessment will include an interview with relevant family members/carers, consultation with your child’s teacher (through questionnaire and phone/email), and observation, interview, and assessment with the child. Parents are usually not in the room during formal testing.

Our assessment process typically includes
- You and your child’s teacher completing a questionnaire about your child’s strengths and weaknesses (proper to the first appointment where possible).
- An initial appointment where your neuropsychologist will undertake a developmental history with yourself (and your child if applicable) to understand their early development and current presenting concerns, and formal assessment may commence.
- A second and sometimes third assessment session where your neuropsychologist will work one-on-one with your child to complete a range of formal assessments tasks.
- A final feedback session with your neuropsychologist where they will explain to you all of the assessment results, findings, and recommendations (your child typically does not attend this appointment, though older children may attend where appropriate).
- Following the feedback session, a detailed neuropsychological report is compiled by the neuropsychologist for the you, the referrer, and your child’s school. The report details your child’s developmental history, the assessment results (strengths and weaknesses), a formulation of the factors underlying their presentation and current difficulties, a diagnosis (where applicable), and individualised strategies and recommendations. You will also receive a useful strategy handout.
We receive requests for assessment from a wide range of sources including medical professionals, allied health clinicians, parents, teachers, lawyers and other members of the community. Most commonly, we assess and treat children, adolescents and young adults; however, we are also able to accept referrals for adults who have neurodevelopmental needs, such as for Autism or Learning Difficulties assessments.
We can assess for the presence of a range of conditions
As part of the neuropsychological assessment process, we can assess for the presence/absence of a range of conditions, as well as assess the impact of any existing conditions on your child’s development and current functioning. At the Child and Adolescent Neuropsychology Group, we specialise in the assessment and treatment of:
We are also able to assess for and provide input regarding
- Intellectual Disability/Developmental Delay
- Giftedness/High IQ
- Brain Injury
- Prematurity or Low Birth Weight
- Genetic/Medical disorders than may impact development or cognition (thinking)
- School Readiness
- Emotional and/or Behavioural problems (including Anxiety, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or Conduct Disorder)
- Developmental Coordination Disorder
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Alternatively, if you require a booking with one of our Neuropsychologists,
please click here to proceed to our referrals & bookings page.